Many people view this tattoo as being a "tramp stamp" meaning that the girl that is wearing it is promiscuous. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Many females choose this placement simply for the sheer location factor. It is a place that can be shown when she wants to, a place that can be hidden when the need arises and a perfect place to put a tattoo.
The lower back is also a place that will not be as ravaged by time as other places on a females body. Given pregnancies and weight gains throughout the life cycle of a female, the lower back is simply one of the best choices for tattoo placement, from the time it is done, to years into the future.
The best way to choose a tattoo for the lower back, is to find one that works with your normal body curvature. The more you make it appeal and work with your body, the better the end result will be.
Many females choose a central design, with sides that creep out, such as vines, or tribal designs. How big or how small to go is really up to the individuals taste, and with the lower back tattoo, it can really go either way without issue.

If you're seeking a lower back tattoo, it is one place that is sure to please. Just make sure you are comfortable with the size of your central item, the size of the side items and the colour scheme and size of the overall tattoo. With a little pre-planning and knowing what you like and want, you can easily get a back tattoo you'll love for years to come.